Covid Assistant

A Way To Safely Shop During The Pandemic
1 month(December 2020)
Mike Jin, Cam Davison, Mira Mookerjee
User Interviews, Customer Journey Map, Paper Prototypes, Responsive Prototype

Covid Assistant is a responsive platform that helps at-risk individuals find the safest place to shop in their area.

For our interaction design class, our challenge was to create a responsive design that helped users grocery shop safely during the pandemic. Our solution targeted high-risk populations(65+ yo). We interviewed 12 people in that demographic, created a customer journey map, tested with paper prototypes, then designed a responsive design in figma.


See the Safest Stores at a Glance

See the safest stores at a glance and get more information by clicking on the store in the list view or on the map. You can see how the score changes over time and plan your trip in advanced to avoid crowds

Get A Breakdown of the Safety Score

Simple safety score on a 5-point scale gives user simple way to assess how safe a store is. Any reflection fo the score will also be reflected with the color to visualize safety. Users can look more into what makes up the score by clicking on the store.

Report Supplies and Cleanliness to Help Your Community

Users said they would trust the reports from other shoppers more that reports from the stores themselves. So we incorporated user feedback into the score and made it transparent where the scores are coming from.